Wii fitness blog – kick off!

Hi friends and family,

After a period of time with my new Wii and having an unsuccessful start to my wii fitness regime, I’ve come up with a not-so-genuine idea to start a blog to keep track of my progress.

My ‘inspiration’: Wii Sports Experiment

I shall be playing Wii Sports for at least 30 mins a day with the time split into the following two activities.

Wii Sports – boxing –> 15 minutes
Wii Sports – Fitness age –> 15 minutes

Where more time is spent on a Wii Sports activity it shall be chronicled in this blog. I shall also be using a Fitness site called Traineo.com to track my progress and weight loss (My page is http://jsty3105.traineo.com). I figure that having some of my friends to hold me accountable for my progress and my dedication would be great especially for those lulls where I’m lazy or demoralised and need a pick up.

I declare this regime – BEGUN!

(Photo updates would probably be gross to my friends… but if enough of you are cool with it I guess it might help spur me on to lose more weight).

Target weight within 4 weeks: 77kgs
Target weight within 8 weeks: 75Kgs
Target weight within 12 weeks :70Kgs
Target weight within 16 weeks: 67Kgs
Target weights within 20 weeks: 65Kgs

Ideal weight for my body frame and muscle mass: 65 kgs. I’ve selected the above targeted weights as they seem the most reasonable (and healthy) to lose within the alloted time frame. No sense aiming too far away and getting demoralised before I even begin in earnest.

I will also undertake to make the following changes to my diet during this period of time:

  • Drink at least 1 litre of water a day.
  • Allow myself 1 can of soda a day (Max).
  • Drink at least 1 cup of chlorophyll water a day.
  • Limit my intake of fried food or curry laksa to once a month.
  • Spend one day a week just eating salads and fruits.
  • Replace all snacks with fruits.

I don’t have any fancy calorie counter so I’ll just have to make sure to adjust my diet and food intake properly (though I will check with Malaysian sites for nutritional information of whatever Malaysian food I consume – found it! –> Nutriweb and foodcaloriescount). With the help of my friends and my wife, I believe it is achievable and within reach.

For starters though, I want to complete the first 4 weeks before I take the next step of the next 4 weeks. Figure it’s less of a mountain when I break it up into 4 week chunks.

<a href=”http://www.traineo.com”><img src=”http://www.traineo.com/images/traineo.gif&#8221; alt=”traineo” border=”0″ /></a>

4 thoughts on “Wii fitness blog – kick off!

  1. go john go… you can do it… wahaha.. Good luck… Im trying to reduce weight myself, i hope i can survive w\out eating nasi lemak to achive my target… ;”) 5 kg in 1 month ? I will try my best… hehehe…

  2. Pingback: Weightloss » Blog Archive » Wii fitness blog - kick off!

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